Monday, October 26, 2020

Art and Science

my darling, I have been letting life get the best of me lately. I have not had the strength to hold myself together. my body is trying but I'm not helping. so, that's the place to start. By taking care of my body. Eating better and exercising. I need to be well so I can give you 100%. You deserve no less. you are my art project. You are my science experiment. These things must be done with great care and attention. 
Layla lives in the dance studio. Maybe I can move my life in that direction. Dance is an art and a science. They told me that if you fast of food and music for forty days and at the end you want music more than food, than music is maybe a part of your devotion to the Most High. It is only then that it will not turn your heart away from the face of Allah. 
I want to fill myself with His word. I want to move only to The Music of The Soul. 

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